Friday, June 21, 2019

Feeling Absolutely Reborn with Traditional Chinese Magic Mushrooms: Soo Beaute's Oriental Herbal Essence "Ganoderma-Ginseng Mask"

What’s that strange, knobly brown fungus that is displayed on all kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pills, powders and beauty products, that was traditionally considered to be among the most valuable possessions a new bride could bring into a marriage in ancient China? Personally I think it looks like some sort of alien brains, but nevertheless I put this TCM allstar to the test with Soo Beaute’s Oriental Herbal Essence “Ganoderma-Ginseng Mask”.

Traditional Chinese Medicine – initially I would stay away as far as possible from the aisles stuffed with shiny red and gold product packaging, displaying the strangest herbs and fungi pills, powders and tonics with names such as “blood cleanser”, “kidney booster” and "liver purifier".

This part of Asian culture however fascinates me more and more, especially related to beauty products. After having tried beauty products with a.o. bird’s nest, pearl powder and horse fat I consider myself ready to step up my game and try out something with a strange fungus as ingredient, a knobly, brain-like fungus that I’ve seen a lot on the packs of TCM pills and powders and ‘fresh’ (dried, that is) in the small herbal shops in Singapore’s Chinatown and that I encountered during trips in Hong Kong and Shanghai as well. What is this strange stuff and what are the benefits to the skin?

My globetrotting, always open-to-adventure godmother couldn't resist to check out the TCM dried lizards 
in Singapore's Chinatown when she was visiting me this spring...

Herbalist Emperors and Prosperous Brides

The knobly, alien brain-like brown fungus is called Ganoderma lucidum and this mushroom species is known across the world under different names like Reishi, Ling Zhi, Lucid Ganoderma, and Linh Chi. It grows on wood in tropical regions and is therefore also referred to as shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi.

It was first described more than 2400 years ago during the Shu Dynasty. During the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.~ 8 AD) legendary herbalist-emperor Shen Nong described it as a superior herb that “serves to maintain life, causes no side effects by continuous use, and promotes radiant health and long life by helping to harmonize the functions of the body, mind and spirit”.

A Famille-Rose lobed bowl showing a leafy sprig of lingzhi - although being a mushroom, lingzhi does not have leaves. 
Copyright Sotheby's - read a great article on Lingzhi in Chinese art here.

Ganoderma or Lingzhi (i.e. the most common names in TCM) is widely depicted in Asian art, architecture and design and can be seen everywhere in the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing, a testimony to how highly it was valued in Chinese society throughout history - even the traditional scepter of the Chinese emperors was a stylized Reishi. Because of its many benefits for health, Ganoderma was traditionally considered to be amongst the most valuable possessions a new bride could bring into a marriage in ancient China.

Health & Beauty Benefits of Ganoderma

Ganoderma contains lots of bioactive compounds that make these herbal mushrooms innately rich with a.o. analgesic (painkilling), antipyretic (fever-reducing), antimicrobial (killing microorganisms), splenic, cytotoxic (toxic to bad cells) and sedative properties. Main general health benefits  are believed to be a.o.:

  • Boosting and regulating the immune system of the body; 
  • Detoxifying and strengthening the liver; 
  • Normalizing the body’s metabolism rate, energizing the body and help it combat stress;
  • Improving overall mood, easing irritability and anxiety, calming the mind, relaxing the body and helping to overcome depression; 
  • Preventing the release of histamines in case of allergies (anything from hay fever to atopic dermatitis and anaphylactic shocks); 
  • Nourishing the respiratory system in case of a simple cold or even sinusitis or more severe conditions like asthma and bronchitis; 
  • Lowering and regulating the blood pressure levels of the body; 
  • Easing inflammatory conditions and alleviating and easing the pain that is experienced by the sufferer. 

For skin specifically, Ganoderma is believed to slow down premature aging because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic agents that empower the immune system and promote blood circulation. A stronger immune system eases free radical activities, which is supposed to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and inflammations. Improved blood circulation enhances the elasticity and tone of the skin, slowing down the ageing process with a clearer and younger looking skin as a result. In addition, various studies indicate that a large range of external skin issues like sunburns, wounds and rashes can be cured by Ganoderma through harmonized functioning of its anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbialand anti-allergenic properties.

For hair specifically, the high level of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and improved blood circulation slow down premature hair loss and balding and is believed to promote hair growth and prevent premature graying.

All together that's quite a list!

Soo Beaute - Oriental Herbal Essence Ganoderma Ginseng Mask

I’m trying out a Ganoderma mask with Ginseng from Soo Beaute, a Korean brand renowned for its wide variety of sheet masks. My intention for this post was to research ganoderma instead of ginseng and as I don’t want this post to become too extensive here’s just some short info on Ginseng:

Panax Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng or Korean Ginseng to be exact, is a slow-growing perennial (i.e. living > 2 years - ginseng is believed to be best after 5 years) plant with fleshy roots that grows in the cooler climates of eastern Asia in countries like China, Korea, Bhutan and eastern Siberia.

Ginseng is one of the most highly regarded herbal medicines in Asia. Its roots and leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are good for overall skin health.  According to Eu Yan Sang, Singapore’s Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist store: “Ginseng is a unique root that brightens the skin, prevents UV damage, enhances collagen synthesis, and diminishes signs of ageing”. It is often used to reduce black spots on the face, reduce puffiness of the eyes and to lighten dark circles under the eyes.

The promise of diminishing signs of aging sounds always good; in addition, I think my skin can definitely use some antioxidants after a few nights of extensive dining and clubbing in Hong Kong and Shanghai. 

According to the product description I should leave on the mask for 20-30 minutes, which is quite a long time. Fortunately I have plenty of time as I have planned to spend a night of relaxing in the bath tub of my Shanghai hotel while my husband is out for dinner with business relations. Glass of chilled white wine: check. Newest Vogue: check. Relaxing scented candle; check. I might was well skip the scented candle next time, as the scent of the face mask is overwhelming and unmistakably ginseng. Very strong ginseng. I don’t think I can smell the ganoderma, but then again I have no clue what it smells like.

The fit of the sheet mask is pretty ok; there’s two flaps of sheet under the holes for the eyes that I presume aren’t intended to have a function, but for me they prevent my mascara from smudging on the skin under my eyes so that’s good in case you want to look good while pampering in the tub. The mask itself feels fresh and is very comfortable. The strong scent doesn’t bother me so much and 30 minutes fly.

The result? I feel absolutely reborn – whereas I was in a ‘tired from travelling and partying’ and ‘stressed from work related deadlines’ state before, I now feel totally calm and zen. Awesome. I think my skin isn’t visibly different, but I find the mask works miracles when stressed and tired and in need for some relaxation and invigoration. How do I know it's not just taking a bath that causes this marvelous effect? Well, I'm very much not a bath person and prefer showers as I find these way more relaxing. So if this product works on me taking a bath that in general never relaxes me, it must be the magic mushrooms. Like!!! *Running to the store to get a heap more*

Soo Beaute Oriental Herbal Essence Ganoderma-Ginseng Face Mask
Price: 1,95 SGD
Available at Sasa (find stores here)

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